Monday, March 25, 2013

From Ghetto to Glitter: DIY Towel Box

Have you ever lived in a rental or small house with absolutely no space? I have... a few times over, in fact.
The worst part of living in a non-permanent space is the lack of storage space! Also, it is a total bummer that you cannot do any semi-permanent decorating in a rental home or apartment :(
 I began noticing this during my second year of college, when I worked and attended school full time (all through loans which is totally biting me in the ass right now). During this time I moved from trash pit to trash pit and picked up a few ways to beautify my ghetto belongings and use them to resolve my storage issues! Right now, my amazing fiance is working hard and paying most of our bills, but we don't live any sort of Jones' lifestyle (I think it's because Seattle LOVES being pricey!), so I resort to my low-cash-day training when attempting to decorate and arrange our tiny rental house. Below I have laid out the steps I took to decorate my "towel box."

This is the box I have been using as a towel box since I moved to Seattle....9 months ago... whoops!! As you can tell, I cut off the top flaps and attempted to tape the raw edges with Scotch brand duct tape... um, didn't work... I will definitely spend the extra few dollars to get the original duck tape brand.

I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T SWEEP BEFORE TALKING PHOTOS! My house is always hairy since 4 out of 5 residents are covered in hair ( he he Ben is hairy). The two rolls of wrapping paper were purchased at my nearby Marshalls for $3.99 each!!! The second I saw them I grabbed them since I have never seen wrapping paper with glitter on it before. Anyways, I ended up only using half of one roll so in total cost this project used up $2.00 worth of new supplies.

Here is my towel box wrapped!! HOW PRETTY!!!!! As you can tell, I cannot wrap very well.... I ended up having to use an extra piece to cover the open gap my wrapping job left... Overall, It was really easy and fun to wrap a gift to myself... sort of ;)
Next, I decided my towel box needed a liner to keep the hair from getting in my box... this made sense when I was making this, ok? Ha ha! It definitely looks prettier with a liner, so at least there is that!
I made sure to cut 3 strips of my LEFT OVER POLYESTER lining fabric that would cover all sides of the box, and then an extra strip for the bottom. Then I hot glued the lining in place. PS- This takes A LOT of glue so be sure to grab a stick or two just in case.
Here is my box with it's hot glued Polyester lining! GORGEOUS! Much better than having Paula Deen's face look at me every time I grabbed a towel!
Sorry for the ONE off photo, but I turned my phone when taking this one...
VOILA! My finished  and pretty towel  holder!
I am so luck that this towel box/holder fits right outside of our bathroom door! I know it's kinda weird to have your towels on the floor, but if you don't have space then create it! I love the colors of the wrapping paper and the bronze/silver glitter polka dots. I am definitely happy with the result! 

So there you go! If you ever need a storage box do not overlook those moving boxes you've saved. They may be the difference between a cheap DIY alternative and a $15 towel rack.

1 comment:

  1. You are SO creative! I totally loved this when I saw it on IG, but I didn't know it was even a cardboard box! Whoa! Well done my friend, I LOVE it!!!

    Ps: You're not bad at wrapping AT ALL.
